
viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Canon MP280 E03 Error - Fixed and final

On this occasion I bring the solution to Error E03 Canon MP280 printer ..

This printer is very good if you know how to drive, sometimes gives a lot of trouble but if you know how to drive is an excellent business tool ..

The problem I had with this printer is that when I went to print, I would get an error message saying that the tray was closed, when in fact it was open and they could print and apart from that I went out the error E03.

The problem exists because we took a leaf is stuck manually, I mean the bad, we should always take paper jams with the Stop / Reset, when we get to force his hand, on many occasions the sensor is dropped located on the left cover of the printer, the solution is to remove the left cover and align the letter F (efe) vessels which are in a circle with the sensor transparent, do this after we cover the printer, connect and go and never but check out a paper jam by hand, using the tool siemrpe each printer for it ... in the video you can see the whole procedure

Any doubt archeramc@gmail.com

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