
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta virus. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta virus. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 25 de julio de 2024

How to recover deleted files from a virus-infected USB flash drive

I am going to teach you how to recover files from your USB memory in a very simple way. These files were deleted or we did not find them because it is possible that there is a virus in our USB memory and it is most likely that we have put it in some cyber computer or some other computer and well, most likely it is that This memory has been infected by a virus.

Believe it or not, these are the shortcuts in our memory and well, we cannot see what is in our folders, for example I had works and images and all the folders where I had more files, if we click on one we get this error is the virus and it is very infectious if you do not have an antivirus on your computer and you use your memory because it can also infect your files, sometimes nothing happens.

It is very easy to recover them without programs or anything, the only thing we are going to do is enter a code ok now we are going to leave this window open so you can see that there is no trick or anything here the files will appear and well as you can see here I have this notepad this code USB sticks.

We are going to open what is the cmd and we can open it following here the start all the programs and accessories and well here is what is the command prompt ok or for easier run and we are going to open what is the command prompt and here it is the cmd also this is a way or we can also open the difficulty window is control plus r and let's write cmd we are going to accept ok well this way we are accessing what the cmd is which as you can see.

Well I'm going to the computer and I have the letter k which is my removable disk here once we have entered that code we are only going to give an enter we wait for it to do the procedure until the other letter k appears again here it means that it is working click well let's go Let's wait and as you can see, here we have been denied by the author and as you can see, what the files are appeared on this side and this access was denied by the virus. The most advisable thing to do after this is to format our memory usb, as you can see, our files are already here.

You saw how they presented themselves, how they came out again and well, we now have all our files here, as you can see, Word files, Excel files, songs, photos. All the files are already recovered or it is very easy and very simple, I leave you this code in the description, we can close this now and well, you can now recover your files.

The most advisable thing is that you take the steps to your computer, either by dragging them Transfer the ones you need to your computer and immediately all the files that make up your USB memory will be restored.

Well this has been all friends I hope you liked it it is 100% tested and proven this works since I had lost these files and I have already recovered them as you can see well I even marked folders as you can see well we recovered all the folders all the files what we had after the virus infection.

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2023

How to use CMD to Remove Virus Attrib

How to use CMD to remove virus from USB drive, SD card, flash drive or any disk in Windows 10? 

Follow this guide, all command lines are covered, it's worth trying to remove the virus from your computer.

On this page, we have provided four practical methods to help you remove viruses and help you recover deleted files using powerful file recovery software. If you find yourself in this dilemma, follow the solutions given here to clean the viruses and restore your files:

Solution 1. Remove the virus with CMD

Solution 2. Run antivirus software

Solution 3. Run Windows Defender

Solution 4. Format the infected device

Other tips. restore files

What damage can viruses cause?

We absolutely hate computer viruses. But do you know exactly how viruses can harm your computer?

Simply put, a computer virus is simply a type of program that causes your computer to behave in an unwanted way. It could be a dangerous infiltration designed to crash your computer, delete important files, track your habits, or give hackers access to your personal information... 

A virus is a big nuisance. Some viruses such as Locky virus and CryptoLocker, also known as ransomware, delete computer files, encrypt them or even change the file extension to .locky or .encypt. Other viruses hide files and do not allow users to hide them.

It's certainly true that a virus is something you want to remove as soon as you find it. Among the many options, many users try to remove viruses using CMD.

Why can you remove a virus using CMD?

In fact, using command lines does not scan or remove viruses directly from your computer or external storage device. CMD helps you achieve your virus removal goal by displaying hidden viruses on a partition or disk. 

You can then delete the suspicious files. Since viruses are always hidden, you should expose them and then delete the virus files. So how can you see potentially hidden virus files using CMD? All you need is the attrib command.

The attrib command is a command line command used to view, set, or remove attributes for files or folders in the selected location. And then you will know where to find it and delete it.

How to remove a virus using CMD

Now follow the steps below to remove the virus from your computer or storage device using CMD.

1. Type cmd in the search field, right-click "Command Prompt" and select "Run as administrator".

2. Type F: and press Enter.

3. Type attrib -s -h -r /s /d *.* and press Enter.

4. Type dir and press "Enter".

5. your information, the virus name may contain words like "autorun" and with ".inf" as file extension. So, if you find suspicious files, type "del autorun.inf" to remove the virus.

A – Represents the "Archived" attribute that prepares a file for archiving.

R – Represents the "Read Only" attribute of a file or directory.

S: The "System" attribute transforms the selected files or folders from user files to system files.

H - "hidden" attribute.

Syntax of "attribute":

ATTRIBUTE [+ attribute | – attribute] [pathname] [/S [/D]]

'+ / –': To enable or disable the specified attribute.

'attribute': As explained above.

"pathname": The path where the destination file or folder is located.

'/S' - Search the entire path, including subdirectories.

'/D': includes all active directories.

Here is the correct syntactic order for the attrib command:

ATTRIBUTE [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [+i | -I] [drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D] [/L]]

If you get the "Access Denied" message:

Make sure you have started the command prompt as an administrator

Make sure the file/folder is not in use

Check the checking account permission and make sure you have full control over the file/folder (right click on the file/folder/partition and go to "Security")

Use the CHKDSK command to check for file system errors (start the command prompt and type chkdsk /f [drive letter] :)

3 more ways to remove viruses

Besides using CMD, there are other methods to remove a virus from your computer or storage device, such as using antivirus software, Windows Defender, and formatting the storage device.

Method 1. Run Antivirus

Almost all computers are equipped with antivirus software. If you find that your computer is infected with a virus, it may be worth using antivirus software.

Method 2. Run Windows Defender Antivirus

If you do not have third-party antivirus software, it is recommended to use the built-in program.

Step 2. Click on Virus & Threat Protection.

Method 3. Format the infected device

Formatting is the process of deleting existing files on the selected partition or drive. It will probably remove the virus as well. Since formatting a partition or drive will cause data loss, make sure there are no important files stored on the device.

To finish

Cleaning viruses using CMD is a workaround. However, it works in some cases. If the attrib command fails, try the other three tips provided to get rid of the malicious file. 

Moreover, virus attacks are always associated with data loss. In this case, you should use hard drive recovery software, EaseUS data recovery software, to recover lost files as soon as possible.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

Descargar Avira Free Antivirus

Avira Free Antivirus

Detrás de Avira esta una compañía alemana de seguridad, es uno de los programas antivirus gratis más populares de todo el mundo.
Obtiene uno de los primeros lugares en todos los test realizados. Con respecto a los otros softwares gratis venció en las pruebas de velocidad y el porcentaje de la detección de malware fue también el más destacado, eliminó satisfactoriamente todos los rootkits y otras infecciones de malware dirigidos hacia él.
Es bastante humilde a la hora de demandar recursos, y sus períodos de actualización son razonables.
Es capaz de detectar y eliminar más de 50.000 virus, incluyendo los de macro y sector de arranque.
Ofrece protección, vigilando en todo momento su sistema con un Virus Guard residente en memoria.
Sus desventajas son los persistentes mensajes que te envía diariamente con pop-ups para actualizar a una versión de pago pero pueden ser bloqueados fácilmente.
Fue elegido como aplicación antivirus del año 2008.
Vinculo para su descarga en español
DescargarAvira Free Antivirus


Antivirus Panda Cloud Antivirus Free Edition

Panda Cloud Antivirus Free Edition


Panda Cloud Antivirus es una solución minimista y sencilla que funciona desde la nube.
Según las pruebas realizadas por AV-Test en los primeros meses del 2012, Panda Cloud Antivirus Free Edition ha obtenido la nota más alta entre las soluciones gratuitas y mejor puntuación que otros productos de pago, al enfrentar infecciones por malware, reparación y eliminación del mismo y la usabilidad e impacto del antivirus en el equipo.
En base a la facilidad de uso por el usuario, se llevó la mayor puntuación (5,5 sobre 6 posibles).
Este antivirus también ha sido una de las soluciones que menos ralentiza el ordenador, con solo 6 segundos, respecto a los 10 segundos de promedio de los productos analizados.
Recientemente se actualizó a la versión 2.0 compatible con Windows 8.

OJO: Durante la instalación evita que instale en el navegador, la barra de seguridad de Panda que viene activada por defecto, así como Google como motor de búsquedas y MyStart como página principal. Vinculo para su descarga: DescargarDescargar Panda Cloud Antivirus Free Edition


Microsoft® Security Essentials 4.1 Descargar

Microsoft® Security Essentials 4.1 

Aplicación antivirus y antimalware de Microsoft gratis.
En poco tiempo se ha ganado la confianza de gran parte de usuarios que al comienzo miraban con recelo la nueva herramienta y cuestionaban su futura eficiencia.
Ha demostrado ser muy efectiva en la erradicación de virus y malware, en comparaciones ha estado a la altura o por encima de herramientas reconocidas y todas de pago. Identifica de forma positiva pequeñas aplicaciones que otros antivirus no consideran como dañinas.
Posee una interface sencilla e intuitiva, agradable y fácil de usar, criticada por algunos que desean algo más profesional, pero que para la gran mayoría es completamente suficiente. Consume muy pocos recursos por lo que no se nota en lo absoluto, aunque funciona su protección en tiempo real.
La gran ventaja de este antivirus, que ningún otro nunca tendrá, es que su fabricante es el mismo que el de nuestro sistema operativo, por lo que su integración es perfecta sin conflictos.
Desde hace algún tiempo debido a su creciente popularidad ha hecho que disminuyan los ingresos de poderosas compañías dedicadas a la seguridad informática, pero ninguna podrá competir nunca con los recursos que posee Microsoft, por lo que los usuarios con pocos recursos dan su modesto voto a este antivirus.
Su principal desventaja es que no se puede instalar en copias ilegales de Windows.
Descarga Microsoft® Security Essentials en el siguiente vinculo, En el botón Descargar ahora, da clic en Configuraciones regionales e idiomas para seleccionar tu idioma preferido y el sistema operativo apropiado. DescargarDescargar Microsoft® Security Essentials